a little bird led me here…

and eye looked round

thought it might be a good home for a while…

this life eye been painting

sculpting hands deep in the clay

the motions are always wet…



Life is Ceremony.

every foot placed is a work of art

every scar eye acquire eye kiss


and then move as eye move

Whole. Beautiful. Inherently.

this space will house expression of

what eye have learned from this living

from my worship of consent

to my insatiable appetite

for the deep waters of freedom

what pours from this life

this journey called genesis as

art * poetry * reflections * images * audio * readings * videos * music

eye place at your feet

where resonance rings true

it would honor me to welcome you

community lives deep in my purpose

communing with integrity

graciously guiding


Subscribe to Mythology of a Dragon

Self Reverence is inherent. we cultivate ourSelves to re~ember our Sacred, our conSensuality as a way of life. a practice, a worshiping. we can celebrate our Ceremony as the Divinely animated humble flesh of a holy blue orb 🖤


Sacred Poetic * Shadow Work * Liberatory Beingness * Black* Queer *Unschooler * Mother * Dragon 🖤