eye read this…
“Become who you need to be,
so you can heal who you had to be.”
there is a beautiful truth in here
inspires me to walk with it…
but there is also a culture that lives
in this perception…
as it moves in me…
bringing eye to the intent of “need”
we might choose
to take care of
bring our eye to
the nuanced ways
we speak to ourSelves
in the crafting of our living
how we language
and move and integrate meaning
both reflects our internal experience
and guides it
We become who we are
by living our lives
as the Ceremonies they are
inviting beyond urgency
moment by sacred moment
ever cultivating a Self/Selves
that perceives and lives
A Life as Ceremony
in this s l o w d e e p
curating of living
healing finds itSelf
richly a part of that living
rising quite naturally
from the very practice
of nourishing the soils
of and as Ceremonial Living
nourishing the fruits that emerge
a practice that inspires itSelf
a relentlessly chosen way of life
(r)evolutionary contextually
an emergent path
in the walking of it
melting the leaching patterns
of numbing
of judgement
of guilt and shame
in my perceptions
healing as a way of life
as the focal point of living
is a distraction
and inspires living the Selves
in perpetual anticipation
of some future Self idealized
which does not invite nor conjure
the emocean as Celebration
of me within me in the Right Now
and it crafts patterns
that compel us to all ways
live in the future
our mythological presence projected
into something that does not yet exist
it also inspires me to center trauma
over recognizing it honestly
over reverence for the ways
my glorious bodies
moved to protect me
over centering my gratitude
within the grace of mySelves
and the power reflected
within my survival
the truth of my humxnity
honoring how eye
navigate/d wretched violences
as these Sacred Selves
it is here
in the culture of reverence
where eye reflect on whether and how
those protections might serve
the collective of me now
in life’s continuing emergence
moment by moment
walking slowly
lovingly with those places
of me that can storm
and this is in~deed an ocean
eye bring deep reverence to
a worshiping
at the altar of mySelves
an honoring of the wisdom
of my survival
eye bow here…
even as eye art my motions
as the practice of guiding them
healing as an all ways point of focus
(even as eye might be telling mySelves
eye am not doing that but my motions
Speak more clearly the truth)
draws me away from culturing
Ceremonious Living in the Right Now
draws me away from
re membering
re embering
the Whole ærotic beauty of me
Right Now.
healing happens…
intentionally and unconsciously
in the practice of Self Reverence
in Ceremonial Living
but is not the point
nor culture of my reason for living
and this nuanced distinction
is light years wide
for eye am Ceremony
all ways.
and if eye am all ways Ceremony
then healing in a violent culture
ancestrally and person-ally
is inherently an aspect of my living
healing as a way of life
as the focal purpose for living
assumes brokenness
draws me into living and deepening
patterns of belief
as fissures between
consciousness and beingness
as the mythology in consciousness
that eye am broken
and not the truth eye am inherently
quite passionately
in all ways
brokenness cannot live
in my Sacred Mythology
it is non resonant
non harmonic
with the conditions eye curate
it’s culture
does not See nor honor me
Whole and power~full
and if eye am Whole
and power~full
then eye must take care
to assume my Wholeness
as eye craft my language
as eye cultivate and live
The Mythology of a Dragon
this personal truth
rises from watching
my children grow
self directed
in a co cultivating home culture
of autonomy and agency
imperfect and messy
holy and sincere
where eye have observed
urge in mySelves
again and again
urge in other parents and caregivers
again and again
to live children in their
projected potentiality
for their own good
inspired by the violent pressures
of capitalism
queer phobia
inspired by the relentless oppression
of a power over culture
it is here
parents and caregivers
steal from themSelves
and from their children
the nourishing alchemic beauty
and deep power
of their loving gaze
on their children
for who they are Now
celebrating them Now
deep listening to their children’s
internal compasses Now
and showing their children
how much they trust them Now
in such a culture
children reflect
pattern what they absorb
to emerge to know
to emerge to trust
instead we often live
some future perception of them
story and romanticize them
in our minds
some of this is a fear
as preparing them
for a perceived future
on and as a grievously violated planet
even as cultivating
in relationship with children
beyond coercion
beyond compulsion
beyond authoritarianism
moves as a nourishing alchemy
as partnership
as purposeful
as the living of consent
as an emergent arting
and mutuality of trust
reverence as environmental activism
as deeply loving
as the (r)evolutionary motion
of living our lives as our own
a reclaiming…
some of this is living out
our personal and ancestral
on their lives unconsciously
where the portal invites
our 𝘦𝘺𝘦 and its holy integrity
and we can lose Sacred Sight of them
even where they are standing
right in front of us
deep in the wonder of their evolution
in the blinding of our storms
we can lose our Sight
of the potent fires
as the breath of life living within them
of the deep waters
as all that conspired to bring them
into the Right Now
we can lose ourSelves
to uninterrogated fears
and wrapped up in mythologies
as old sacred protections
moving outside of our awareness
ancestral and personal
for some projection of tomorrow
we are lost to our inherent humility
in the desperation to believe
we can fathom the future
but truly we can’t
the way eye gaze on mySelves
emerges as the ways
eye gaze on my children
and in the reflection of
my celebrating of them
they re ember in me
again and again
the sacred celebration of mySelves
a Sacred Synergy
Wow. A Holy Attunement. A Spell of Remembrance. You are stewarding potent wisdom... so nourishing to my Wholeness!