On Fame, Culture and Practice...
eye don’t usually involve mySelves
in fame culture conversations
and “scandals” because
eye have a certain
experience of fame culture
and eye do not choose
to engage it in certain ways
eye stay in my practice
the work is always in me
the ways those kinds
of conversations can often move
for me are a distraction
and can pull me
outside of mySelves
outside of my practice
when eye watch
the video
it is nowhere near enough for me
to implicate the Dalai Lama
in the way social media
has been moving it
as of this writing…
that is my perception
the editing of the viral videos
are a certain crafting
eye do not know this being
though eye have relationship
with some of his work
more in my youth
and eye have appreciated it
eye leave it
to the Tibetan People
to the Indian People
to discern contextually
eye trust that their humxnity
does not need the insertion
of my western sensibilities
hierarchically into their
cultural experiences
eye actually would prefer the same
respect be afforded
when there are internal conflicts
within the Diasporic Black Community
that often people non Black
don’t have context for
and that lack of context
can move as a certain violence
but eye digress…
what is also true
we keep placing
humxn beings on pedestals
in our minds and hearts
over honoring them
their living their works
eye to eye
this is a practice of hierarchy
and we ache as
we are disappointed
again and again and again…
by the reality that
people are humxn beings
Full Stop.
we are all situated
in the cultural context
of all that brings us
into the right now
eye don’t put my faith
in romanticized ideas
of people eye do not know
rappers, popes, actors, priests,
activists, popes, Lama’s, preachers, politicians…
fame for me is an irrelevancy
eye honor people
on the same plane
as humxn beings
and here as a communion of Now
nestled between tomorrows
and yesterdays
same as me
we all walk as the skins of earth
and the breath of life
in the meantime…
eye stay in my practice
The Mythology of This Dragon…
All Sentience is Holy
none above
none below
Eye Worship Consent
and indeed eye use
the word worship here
as a reclaiming of it’s potency
in a direction eye consent to
intentionally as. it pulls on
the waters of my ærotic
my deep emocean
which invites my practice
into my bodies
not just my mind
Shadow Work
as a way of life. period.
Personal Accountability
as path to liberation
embodied integrity
and honest actions
Death to All Hierarchy
relationship with the everything
to be lived as the wisdom of horizons
never vertically
may patriarchy
and all the isms
fade into oblivion
Self Reverence
(not narcissism)
what eye believe and live
within mySelves
will ripple as the truth of me
into every place eye touch
the language, the patterns
eye nourish
or defile
my bodies will ripple
no matter what my mind
might hide from me
to obscure any dissonance
from what “I” want
to believe about mySelves
but don’t actually live
judgements in any direction
are an irrelevancy
guilt, shame, blame,
are the spawn of judgements
and lure us from practice,
Self Reverence and empowered accountability
as truth