eye drop down
fall backward
into a moment…
those moments
where eye held my breath
or hemorrhaged it
where eye curled
around mySelves like shield
the ocean of feelings a raging
upturning my everything
these are places of me
places in me
alive right now
my bodies will never forget
they remember
they always remember
the validity of fear
a place in these bodies
where eye was not safe
and eye knew it…
where the actions of another drew
my young Sacred Selves
into their nightmare
into a warped consciousness
whose walls wanted to absorb me
a house of cracked mirrors
and eye the vignette
both irrelevant to this place
and hunted
these moments
a closing in
moving to break me from mySelves
make of me a house of shards
my bodies are well aware
those moments
the earth of my skins
the Sacred Gardens
of my Divine Consciousness
as depraved violence filled the ether
its putrid desecration
a blasphemy closing in
on My Holy Emergent Collective
death haunted…
by a depravity of unconsciousness
by a presence lost
in its own hell of oblivion
the ground
a shaking
a crumbling quicksand
beneath my wanting feet
the quality of its approach
its presence a kind of terror
eye would love to not know…
seeking to rip me from mySelves
eye can taste even now
it’s fragrance is unmistakable
wants to clog my throat
silence the song of me
for my mind
this can seem to rise from nowhere
for my bodies
we are all too aware
can remember in an instant
in just an instant…
a portal is triggered
rising from a benign
(or seemingly less dangerous)
moment in the right now
my bodies are a wisdom
of presence
of sensuality and emocean
gift and prayer
of ancestral communion
a convergence of True North
we are the keepers
of the story of this living
we cultivate the means
to chart our course
my mind a sacred filter
to aid the navigation of this life
in the context of time…
eye fall back into the raging seas
before the eye of me
had space to emerge its Sight
the place of me
where my bodies learned to move
wherever they might perceive threat
and they move/d to protect
with a fierce fire…
before eye could even think…
before eye can even think…
motions to shield me
the Sacred of My Consciousness
from what was hunting
from what is now haunting
they move as a Holy Collective Love
‘cause they remember
the surviving
the scrambling
the hiding
the protecting
the isolating
the rage
the burning tears
the lack of any reference
for what was happening
what eye had grown
to believe as truth
fractured into a betrayal
storms ravaged
stars clouded
no buoy.
beyond any reach of
my young minds capacity
before the Sacred Eye of me
had time or space
to emerge its maturity
to become integrated
as Holy Compass
in the grace of this life
on little blue orb
before it’s notion
could rise to my awareness
before it could be known as birthright
(an ancestral reality)
those moments
where eye held my breath
or hemorrhaged it
the ways this community of me
reached into itself and the world
to persist
to endure
to suffer through
to tread
how we wielded the Sacred Fire
to undrown
to not die a thousand deaths
the Self Love in motion
an unmistakeable
Holy Blazing…
the passion of my collective
the æros of my living
the wilderness of my range
to craft protections
from junkyards and vacant hotels
from empty words and crooked truths
from masquerading lies
and calculating agendas
from well meaning
misguided ignorance
these scales of me
be piecemealed
a makeshift perfection
a work of impassioned art
eye was my own harbor of love
in a sea of treachery
making possible
the impossible
when there was
no sight beyond survival
no room beyond survival
before eye could even reflect
on what survival might be…
My Bodies…
Rose to Survive
and eye bow
to the wisdom inherent
eye bow
to my Self Love inherent
eye re~ember
again then again and again
the beautiful holy of my motions
eye worship deep here
at the edges of unfathomable wonder
feel the gratitude sweep through me
as eye walk alongside and as mySelves…
the deep cavernous places
where these protections became
part of the walls
of my personal culture
eye am blind to them
except for where this living
brings portal
a portal to See into mySelves
a portal to worship at my own altar
a portal of reclamation…
eye kiss those places of me
those Sacred Spaces of me
as eye know the wisdom
of my Survival
has no concern for
the mind’s illusions of time
for its learned cultural impatience
for the exhausting negotiations
with a ceaseless external coercion
for it to pass judgement on our bodies
on their quick fierce protective response
eye slow
come again
cultivate my reverence
my mind is a bridge
a shore
sometimes an anchor
the liminal spaces
where my collective truth
meets greets and dances
its communion with
all the dimensions of this living
the Council of Selves
is the work of art
the arting ever becoming
as the eye of me
eye honor my protections
receive them as love
as eye am aware
they are a part of this living
all ways a part of this living
even as eye choose
to nurture
to nourish and guide
how eye perceive and experience
my presence
my free will
my accountability
my life lived and living
as the eye of me
has now traveled many suns
as the Black queer skins
of a blue planet
dancing itSelf
eye claim the Holy Spaces of Me
moment by moment
in practice
as such pattern
becomes a part of
the fluid walls of this living
simply, my way…
as these bodies of me
teach me their language
show me the relentless of their love
as these bodies have for so long
protected this living called genesis
eye ever craft these Selves
to move as the deep listening
the deep fire to travel and know
the majestic caverns and skies
of all that eye am
eye drop down
fall backward into mySelves
into that moment
those moments
where eye held my breath
or hemorrhaged it
eye curl around mySelves
a warm embrace
eye honor the rise of me
the holy space of early evolutions
of these intelligent
brilliantly iridescent scales...
a technology
knows when to protect
knows when to make love
knows that the two
are one and the same
eye cultivate
guide mySelves
my ærotic fire
reverently into the re~embering
of who and what we are in the now
as the ocean of feelings
move their raging
upturning my everything
eye re~ember
it was the beginnings of
My Deep Enduring Worship of Consent
eye re~ember the True North
of my Compass of Emocean
revealing to me graciously…
and eye honor this living
all that brings me into the right now
the passion of my ancestors
what the feel of bondage on flesh
inspires in the arting of living
over centuries
is an overflowing…
eye honor the motions
the exquisite loving
of my bodies to protect
this living of me
by bringing it the fruits
the very grace
of what we have protected
by celebrating me Whole
by savoring my sensuality
by moving as a Council of Selves
by arting every bit of this living
eye can passionately reach to and in
As The Exquisite Sacred Ceremony
That It Is…
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