the wonder eye feel floods me
as eye watch them move about
their days months and years
the seasons of them
eye gaze
moment by moment
my mind wants to place
each one in its pocket of forever
my everything Knows
what moves is timeless
every one of these moments
eye gaze at her
Knowing eye am looking into universe
eye am traveling into our past
as my eyes grace their skin
draw me into the grace of our Ancestors
their rage for freedom
that lives in her veins
the reverence that lives
as we travel the scars we can reach
hieroglyphics on Sacred Walls
holy braille
we trace together
with reverent finger
mother and child
carry forward the healing
carry forward The Ceremony
moving as promise
moving as legacy
Ancestral voices alive
in the wilderness of her will
in the Siren of her
they take breath…
their inhale envelops me
a portal to future
story untold
awaits its awakening
a melody eye can almost hear
a journey unfolding
and eye remind her
that the love of the mother
lives all-ways all around them
within them
that they only need
to trust in the abundance
to always Seek it as a Knowing
and the mother will remain in her gaze
that she will never be alone
even when it is time
that eye am gone….
sometimes my tears will swell
give rise to the wonder of
the wilderness of their thoughts
the deep waters of their feeling
and the drops of her infinity
that bubble to surface
to dance and play
and grieve and commune
and inspire
they are an emergent work of art
eye gaze at them
through a lens of Selves
as Ceremony
as communion
as lineage of liberation
an ache
an ecstasy
an everything
eye gaze
a little brown body
growing every day
little deaths
little births
protect and nourish their integration
their Sacred Becoming
she is Self Love in motion
beyond her very mind
are the movements as reverence
for a Holy Journey
the infinite intricate motions
that grace her with life
sustain their life
move beyond their very awareness
they are saturated in Self Love
eye feel the urge to bow to her
to mySelves
sometimes eye erupt…
“can you fathom how much eye cherish you?
the utter wonder of the Ocean of you?”
and they without even an upward glance
reply in a giggling and Knowing tone…
“of course mom, you tell me all the time…”
eye feel the currents of my emotion
as eye watch this Being
sit in the Knowing
in the Sacred Assumption
that they are cherished
and eye reach into mySelves
kiss the aches
for all the places eye know
eye cannot protect her
for all the moments
and mis takes
when eye needed and will need
to claim and move my accountability
eye kiss…
and take my time
while holding the Knowing
that my child feels cherished
the humbling grace
being Sacred Keeper to Holy Child
indeed, sometimes the wonder eye feel floods me…
photography, ghee trought
I love this so. And this photo of S. is just stunning ✨
thank you for coming thru Akilah.
and eye love this photo too 😍