an ærotic living
what is this affair we call living
if not the dance of the ærotic
the great mystery of a passion
a relentless persuasion
known to humxns by many
names and incarnations
attributes and mythologies
over ages…
a bending of infinity
casting spectrum of light
vibrations sprinkling upon nascent dust
animating of and as
the emergent dark majesty
the ever weaving tapestry
some call space-time
suns moons planets
black holes enraptured
the holy birth of
death and transformation
the paradox of immortal mortality…
eye arrive at The Holy Blue
a Divine Covenant burgeoning
in the grace of a watery orb
that moves the only romance
my bodies consent to
the breath of life
fills the corporeal with its fervor
earth’s got drip y’all
got style
got flavor
swirls and whirls
an alchemy dynamic
as the raging fires of intimacy
plunge into the deep waters
the passion moves…
writing of its own ærotic tale
celebrating the heavens
as it streaks through endless skies
song hurling in its wake
blue orb
nestled in kinship
island universe/s
light years wide
the sky is a neighborhood…
eye arrive
an emerging
immersion into the Selves
eye am a ring of council
in a serpentine dance
eye swirl these Selves into the infinite
dancing in and as the creativity of earth
nestled in relationship to xyr community
creation as nomadic energy
a divergence inceptive
a differentiation experiential
a divine communion in mortality
with roots boundlessly
woven in the beyonds of Deathless
inseparable as one
eye arrive
a collective
embodying the hunger
the raging fire to be
the deep water to become
the Sacred Breath to continue on
in relationship with the everything
emerging consciousness
emerging sensuality
an awakening into the perceivable
a burgeoning awareness
as sentience takes ride through form
it be celebration of possibility
A Ceremony of motions and/as perceived time
the music is ever playing
the symphony ever awakening itSelf
and we are this awakening
we are also it’s reflection
the heavens are Divine inherently
religion has no patent on Divinity or worship
it’s a Birthright we ride in with
the creative exists.
forever beyond just a mental reach of fathom
from our inherently humble humxn space of vantage
is a fearfully wondrous mystery
we will ever seek devotedly
to know
to live
to endure
to wield
to understand
to celebrate
these wilds are holy
a Sacred Prayer
rising from the consciousness
of a humble majestic whetting world
we are the Divine nestled within itSelf
nestled within the grace
to experience this thing called living
nestled within the grace
of sensuality
the art of perception
the depths of emocean
the passion of wonder
the Presence to create
we are ærotic by nature
a hunger nestled within the unique artistry
that is the humxn song in relationship
an artistry that our reflective consciousness
graciously grants
and invites
how might we art our way
how might we come to know this Presence
how might we come to wisely emerge it
and dance together in its fruits
my bodies move
they groove as communion
a practice in consciousness
as both the eye and the everything
make home in the paradox
eye choose residence
get mySelves some tea
in upside down glasses
as eye walk this genesis experience
drawing from earthly and universal wisdoms
moving beyond interpretations
as the urge to cling to imposing limits
cultivating interpretations of my emoceans
into reverent luminous conversations
thick in the listening
rich in the poetry
playful in the humor
open in the flow
eye bend my consciousness
illuminating my sacred patterns
of perception and experience
to inspire a seeking
a moving beyond
just experiential duality and binary thinking
the truth reaches further
and is so much more
limits born of a perceived
and cultivating rigidity
make experiential chains
of our humxn emergent sensual range
demonize our emoceanal depths
but not the culture that scorches them
the illusion feels heavy
like a gravity
we are coerced to forget ourSelves
coerced to be absorbed
we move saturated by
a limited exploration
of fear’s sacred conversation
the fruits of modernity
have been genetically modified
covered in pesticides
soils stripped
“nutrients” reintroduced
our living is haunted
we are compelled to walk the surfaces
like the living dead
a reality we gotta See
to writhe ourSelves free
lest we be…
modernity is suspect.
the quantum of this futurism through
My Rooted Feminist Queer Blackness
is a journey in fugitivity from a cage of hierarchy
whose tentacles be hunting consciousness like wraith
eye make home in the eye of The Sacred Compass of my Emocean
eye move as the Rise of the Ring of my Council
eye hear my ancestors whispers from this place
eye lean in
learn slowly
listen deeply
these holy waters
the nature of their wet
their wilds
the vastness of their language
eye invite as poetry in these bodies
eye cultivate Self trust…
(con)sensual motions
are a truth eye deepen
with every breath
my boundaries be holy
as eye take up residence
in the eye of vast weather that is this living
eye wield my will
harness my attention
harness my intention
again then again and again…
a way of life…cultivating
curve the shape of my perceptions
rising from the fruits of practice
my truth creates of me
my greatest work of art
these Selves
my relations
scaled phoenix playing in the skies
within the ocean of what is
the ocean of this living
a (re)membering of Ceremony
eye reach for with my everything
to celebrate and worship the abundance
already living its best life
beyond the violence and banal shallows
of crafted hierarchies and systems
seeking to curb my natural resistance
aspiring to have
my consciousness
my living
my bodies
bound to its reality
eye do not consent
eye reach into the emoceanic wisdom
the queerness of ways my Ancestors
worshiped freedom in bondage
the ways we still do…
the music lives
in our dance of resistance
our dance of resistance is inherent
a claiming and celebration of our wilds
moving through what is contrary
friction calls in the fire
and our æros be a work of art
a (r)evolution freedom seekers everywhere
be studying
hungry for it…
we make poetry of our fugitivity
our fugitivity be indigenous to modernity
eye listen to the language of bones
bow my head to the wisdoms
and spirits of the lands and waters
and speak in tongues with the stars
eye pray to the sunrise every morning
the sunset every eve
and xe whisper secrets of a love beyond
the grating enduring of hierarchy
beyond the interpretations of life and death
that inspire a constricted fear over the grace of a reverent one
my hope lives here
in what is…
you. whole. holy.
me. whole. holy.
we. whole. holy.
earth. skies. water. whole. holy.
and our inherent infinite creativity
as identity
as living
as loving
as religious
as spiritual
as communal
as emergent
as alchemic
moves as the wisdom
of waters and skies
a fluidity wondrously emergent
wetting saturating abundantly
our todays
healing our yesterdays
birthing our morrows
We Are Celebration
we situate ourSelves in the sacred poetry of this living
we reside in the truth of our humble humxnity
we listen to the whispers of the wisdoms of horizon
we commune horizontally
cast fire to verticality
forgotten to the blunder
of continuing dominations and supremacies
forgotten to the clinging to rigid certainties
despite the truth of an infinite emergent reality
forgotten to the vapid antiquated notions of hierarchy
and the legacy it creates
we live together an ærotic life
textured colorful playful
we art our reality
in the layers of community
Celebrate the Ceremony
that is the grace of breath
consent an abundance overflowing
personal accountability deepening liberating
we live it first in our bodies
cultivating moment by moment
and it dances it’s fruits of truth into this living
we practice reverence of the Selves
reverence for all of sentience
protecting each others freedom
protecting each others sacred wilds
as we cultivate such a nature
and it ripples into the everything
a truth
an integrity
moving well beyond the pitfalls of performance
we cultivate a Self Presence
through practice
through intention
bending the culture we are saturated in
from the inside out
makes real of us…
we move as a (re)membering
of the Glorious Ceremony we are