eye laugh at how eye will begin
if eye will even get to what my bodies
reaching to move in this poem
we’ll See..
knowing well the culture of
what eye am entering in this writing
knowing well that white supremacy
is a culture takes up residence
in all sorts of bodies
assignments, locations
and demographics
not limited to just those
assigned white at birth
just as patriarchy is neither limited
to males nor men
both are just hierarchies
with particular
integrating with the trends
the flavors of the month
fuel for its perpetuity
much of which rolls right on through
underneath threshold
of our awareness
absorbed and assumed
counterfeit truth
we barely notice if at all
crafting our lenses
building its walls
ravaging our relationships
defiling the sanctity of our living
as our minds play
make believe on surfaces
and we tap dance on
our own dignity
the infiltration continues
its culture of forgery
ever forging…
bending us into its
regularly scheduled programming
wielding our holy protections
against ourSelves
against each other
and we defend this
incessant menacing extortion
we assume it’s hideous ravaging face
as if challenging its pseudo authority
in our Sacred Bodies would be akin
to cutting off our own arm
to gouging out our own “I”
we instead feign our oblivion
unto ourSelves
nurturing our addictions
to false safety
nurturing our addictions
to mediocre living
nurturing our addictions
to an outpost of binary perceptions
we cling to a simple plank
in the vast bridging of our evolution
beyond right or wrongness
woke or not-ness
this or that-ness
know or hot mess
like this be the only way
we can reach to See
the only way
we can cultivate to Be
we clinging to the old crumbs
of a bleached unwondered bread
while we standing in
a boundless cosmic bakery
petting each other on the heads
of our fragility like dogs
like good boys and girls
the reach toward authenticity
in a culture of hierarchy
inspires a holy fear
one must stand with and in
again and again…
but thats what makes me feel alive
(re)member that eye am alive
S a c r e d F i r e
make jelly these walls of lieseye eat my way through the melting
shit it out on the other side
bullshit has
no color
no flavor
the taste is a fucking lie
…the truth of passage emergent in rite
but our Sacred Armor
keep us imprisoned
in this blight
Bob wailed…
🎼 emancipate yourSelf
from mental slavery
none but ourSelves
can free our minds 🎼
the greatest weapon
against consciousness
of our times
where the protections of running
once wisely rose
fought fiercely
to welcome the horizons
of new days to flow…
in other contexts
we become a cowering
in the numb of apathy
false bravado disempowering
fugue state got us forgotten
to the truth of our Holy Flowering
where hiding may have protected
from the suffocating hand
of oppression
in other context
we become that hand
lost in the very maze
we created to survive it
the maze we created
in promise of days to thrive in
like how we hid our spirituality
inside their saints
but now some of us
dance a worship we lye in
the hijacking of our agency
been steadily coached
trained to give freedom up freely
while we boast that we woke
we move in a kind of vacancy
in the tom-schoolery we choke
compulsory education
got us treating our children
like they enslaved on a plantation
with a pipeline to damnation
eye mean really…
do we still believereverence and respect
mean hierarchy must reflect
mean your boot on my neck
mean our children be subject
that vagina mean submit
with my identity you can conflict?
the shit moves insidious
hierarchy part of our daily feed
as we scroll through monsanto’s
servered up compost
slow and deep
amending our soils
with false truths that give rise
to the ways we See
give rise to our Sacred Perceptions
that nurture what we really Be
and we move
as an ocean of false believing
unaware of the coercion
living its best life
beneath the distraction
of our inward seething
a cold and rigid
insistent righteousness
well protected crafted distances
our bodies move autoimmune
as we lay land minds to the path
of our own Sacred Truth
Malcom said…
we been misled
led astray
and maneuvered
imperfect in his perfection cause
his beliefs included
that one could speak
to my vagina’s place
but still eye rise in my worship
cause that brotha moved
wisdom heart and grace
and speaking of rise
and Maya Angelou’s deep wise
intertwined Paul Dunbar’s
poetic profound
‘bout what rises in the motions
of Black bodies bound
we wear the mask that grins and lies
it shades our cheeks and hides our eyes
this debt we pay to human guile
with torn and bleeding heart
we smile…
my fathers sit on benchestheir flesh counts every plank
the slats leave dents of darkness
deep in their withered flanks
and they gnawed like broken candles
all waxed and burnt profound
they say..
but sugar it was our submissionthat made your world go round
submission lives in the ocean
of why eye breathe
the rape of consent
where eye rage mySelves free
Brotha’s See…
it is not that eye don’t need you
eye love you deep
it’s that
fought for my Sovereignty
as 𝘸𝘦 fought for yours
our debts been paid
in the blood of our ancestors
our eyes soar on the same plane
the wilderness of our oceans
be side by side
of any perceptions otherwise
in this liberation ride
hierarchy dies
and eye won’t compromise
…and eye will never discard you
eye raise fist ride or die
bell hooks wrote…
It is obvious that many women have appropriated feminism to serve their own ends, especially those white women who have been at the forefront of the movement; but rather than resigning myself to this appropriation I choose to re-appropriate the term ‘feminism’, to focus on the fact that to be ‘feminist’ in any authentic sense of the term is to want for all people, female and male, liberation from sexist role patterns, domination, and oppression.
to my humxn siblings
enfleshed in white skins
Jimmy Baldwin said…
“If I love you,
I have to make you conscious
of the things you don’t see.”
to pretend your culture of hierarchy
does not exist in your body
because you call me friend…
if eye consent to tiptoe
around your false certainties
to pretend your realm
of make believe
is not a kind of insanity
just to keep you comfortable
just keep the smile on your face…
like my ancestors used to die
trying to do
like twilight zone anthony
so eye don’t get wished
back into cotton fields
walking on your
land mines of eggshells
to pretend is not to love you
it has never been to love you
it is not love
it is survival
to pretend
is to not love mySelves
to pretend
is to dishonor my ancestors
blood spilled
…to dishonor those not yet lynched
to not love my children
to not love our children
and live truthfully
the world eye want for them
eye cannot allow
violent fragility
to dictate space
and this is love
a deep deep love
and some of my
Diasporic Black Kinfolk
might disagree
that eye won’t pet you
on your fragility
e nina jay wrote…
if you need the absolution
there are many black womyn who love to be excited
when adults learn childhood lessons
but those Black womyn are just not me…
eye got rough and rage eye can’t predicteye got emoceans that contradict
eye don’t choose peace over conflict
and eye don’t suck no doctrines dick
now eye am not womxn
but this move in my truth
and this be the wealth
of the Diaspora
vast and conflicting
a paradox aligned
and within it all…
eye am
and eye move as eye move
because eye am
my Collective of Self
dancing together
like drops of water
cast body
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